Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm back!

Finally I'm back. I forgot that I have a blog that needs update every now and then. hehe.Umm.
It's been a hectic week, I'm sleep-deprived since past few days . I was busy preparing my project proposal...

Yesterday a terrible thing happened. My tyre burst, in the middle of LDP! Can u possibly guess round what time it happened? 5 pm! My front, left tyre has been making funny sound since last week. But that time, still ok la. Yesterday, I was heading home from SA, with the traffic very slow, but still moving, I heard a weird sound. I started to feel anxious, wondering if it's something wrong with my car. I was on the right lane, then. After a few more seconds, I was damn certain the sound WAS from my car. So i signalled and went to the left. I switched my gear (yes, I drive a manual car), only to hear even frightening sounds. The steering shook extra violently, and I knew I was doomed.
So i urgently signal to the left, again, and I pulled over. Went out and saw the tyre uglily torn. Kesian pulak. Guess what happened next? Apa lagi, everyone stopped and stared la..aduh. I would love to elaborate my misery yesterday, but just the thought of it seems too much for me,(drama queen)-I'm preparing to go out for merdeka countdown la. I'm going to Mutiara Daman.

To be continued......


Anonymous said...

relax k. thts wt life is all about!

vespervenom said...

whoa. thanks. finally i have a proof that someone other than myself, actually reads me blog!.. wriaww