Friday, April 11, 2008

In No-So-Distant Future...

I'll be graduating sometime next year..I haven't decided what type of job I would land. But I know I want and what I'm going to be-I'm going to be a good worker, yeay! And most importantly, I'm going to be financially independent. I'm going to pay my things on my own..No more urgent call to mak, to ask for some cash for the week :( It bugs me everytime if I have to do that. Huish. Other than that, I want a 5-day a week job, at least 2k pay haha... Then I want to buy a (good) used car, then I can shop more frequently... Ha..
You know, in a a way, I kinda dread the prospect of having to work for the next 30 years or so, but then again that's the way to grow up, be responsible, ... huhu. Even now, I wake up at 7am, and sometimes 9 or 10 is my schedule allows me...
Until it's time to wake up at 6 am from monday till friday, week by week, going through mundane routines, until that time comes, I'm going to baring baring just a for a while....

p/s my mak says that it's not good to sleep a lot. makes you fat...there's some truth I guess...but just so you know, I'm not fat! haha...

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